
Company News

Talent mold "quality stems from a 2015 - person" at the annual meeting, found that companies more handsome boy beauty wo...
On April 30, 2014, the company organized the 7th employees sports meet. Games held the flag-raising ceremony, the fire d...
In Talent mod 2013 games opening ceremony, employee unions employees voluntarily to forth the earthquake disaster area d...
On May 7, 2013, Talent mold employees sports meet held its final in 2013 and the closing ceremony, to take part in the g...
Contact Us
Phone : 86-755-86117961
Fax : 86-755-86180550
Email : admins@talentmold.com
QQ : 2075399314
Address : Building 24, OEG, Beihuan Rd West, Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen